The construction site has been quiet this week because of the holiday. Last week Slater & Son's sub-contractor, Eddie Axner Construction, started the process of preparing the ground to support the building's foundation. This requires removing the loose soil down to the hardpan then replacing that soil with base rock.
The process for replacing loose soil with base rock is very efficient. A very large excavator digs the dirt out and piles it off to the side. A dump truck arrives on site and drops off the base rock which is pushed into place by a bulldozer. The excavator then loads the now empty dump truck with soil from the pile and the dump truck hauls it away. This operation continues throughout the day with trucks coming and going non-stop.
It will take a couple more weeks to complete this phase of the project. Once done, the contractor can pour the concrete foundation for the Center of Hope.
The construction site after rain and heavy machinery traffic.
Several feet of loose soil is removed to reach the hardpan.
The excavator at work removing loose soil in preparation for the base rock.
The excavator loading dirt into the trucks for removal from the site.
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