Our Giant Erector Set

Some readers of this blog may remember a toy from the 20th century known as an Erector Set.  It was a metal nuts and bolts toy construction set that allowed children to tinker and create mini buildings, bridges and other structures.  What you could build was only limited by your imagination and the parts in your Erector Set.

I like to think that our Architect, Todd, and Construction Superintendent, Jackson, must have played with an Erector Set in their youth.  I know they are creating a real life version with the Center of Hope in its current state.  The structural steel beams, joists and aluminum framing studs being erected at the site are truly the adult version of this famous old toy.
Structural steel is rising two stories into the sky, lifted with cranes and secured by the skilled staff from Steel-Crete out of Chico.  Matt and his crew are assembling this life sized Erector Set under the close supervision of Jackson.  Todd's drawings of the building are coming to life, piece by piece.
So, how do you attach large steel beams together?

With large nuts and bolts, of course!

The crew is still erecting steel and they are framing out the individual rooms and offices.  This is the skeleton of the building.  It's growing bigger and stronger by the day.  A big Thank You to Matt and the crew from Steel-Crete!


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