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...Whereas, other curves are much more pronounced.
The Behavioral Health wing is on the left as we look into the Courtyard. The elevator towers on the right.
The various sub-contractors have been installing utilities that visitors will never see once the building is completed. Above the ceiling is the HVAC ducts, electrical wiring conduit, fire sprinkler pipe and water lines. Who knew all of that was above the white ceiling tiles in a room?
This is the future location of a Medical Assistant's Station. It is across from the exam rooms and adjacent to the Medical Provider's Office. There are four MA Station in the Medical Wing and all of them have a skylight above them to provide natural lighting outside the exam rooms.
The construction site has been a swarm of activity. Crews from Steel-Crete and Harrison Drywall have been hard at work framing the building and each room of the clinic. It is really taking shape, thanks to all of these amazing workers!
There will be a café at the Clinic with open air seating. It's located across from the main clinic entrance, next to the elevator.
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