This Week's Update

The sliding glass doors at the main entrance to the Center of Hope were installed this week.  The crew were meticulous in every detail, including cleaning every inch of the door, before they finished the job.

The glass doors were also installed at the other end of the lobby near the Behavioral Health check-in.

The frames for the floor to ceiling glass wall between the lobby and courtyard are being installed.  The frames came in pieces and the crew member installing them said it was like putting a jigsaw puzzle together - each piece fits with the one next to it, and only there.

The skylights above the Medical Assistant (MA) Stations were installed.  They will bring in much needed natural lighting to the Medical wing exam room hallways.

The exam room cabinets were installed in all 16 Exam Rooms.

The cabinets in the Procedure Rooms were installed as well.  Lots of needed storage space will be available here.

The Staff Room windows are in, the walls are painted and the crew was starting to install the ceiling tile grid this week.  As you can see, the HVAC ducts are in place already.

Work continues on the Housing unit while the sun is shining.  

Rain is expected over the Christmas break so Jackson and Bo will be making sure the buildings are secure and water tight before leaving the job site to spend Christmas Eve with their families.

Merry Christmas to all of you that will be celebrating the holiday this Friday!


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