First it was yellow, now it's pink...


The Center of Hope is changing colors like the seasons.  It wasn't that long ago that the exterior was bright yellow.  The pink you see now is the foam insulation being installed.  Next the building will turn gray with its top coat before the final color is applied.

The roof above the Medical wing looks like a flat expanse heading towards the horizon with the glass tops of the skylights rising up like greenhouse rooftops.  In the foreground is the frame for the privacy screen around the rooftop HVAC units.

The upper walkway is surrounded by scaffolding and protected by plastic film as the waterproof coating is applied this week.  

The Administration offices on the second floor have the drywall installed along with window and door frames.  The HVAC ducts have been installed and are just hanging around waiting for the ceiling to be put up to hold them in place.

The cabinets and countertops are in place in the Lab.

The Medical Assistant (MA) Stations are being installed and should have their countertops put into place soon.

Doors are being painted in groups then stood up in the staff room to dry.

In the lobby, the timber wall window frames are being adjusted by skilled craftsmen.  Because the window frames arc in a radius around the courtyard, the angle of the frames must be precisely located and level in all directions.  It's time consuming work but this wall of windows made by Sierra Pacific is going to be stunning and will provide natural lighting to the patient waiting area.

The Construction Superintendent, Jackson, is overseeing the work of multiple contractors performing a variety of trades.  Jackson is constantly called upon to answer clarifying questions about every detail of the project and he frequently has to troubleshoot and solve problems countless times a day.  His knowledge of not only the plans designed by the architects at Trilogy Architecture but also the various trades performing the work has helped him keep the project from falling too far behind schedule.  We are so fortunate and thankful that Slater & Son Construction assigned him to our project.

A quick shout-out to this blogger's brother, Matthew, who eagerly awaits his email subscription to this blog.  Did you know that you can receive this blog in your email's in-box?  That's right, you can subscribe to this blog!  At the top of this webpage is the word SUBSCRIBE.  Click on that and a pop-up will prompt you to enter your email address.  Sign up for email notifications and the blog will come to you.  Thanks for reading!


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